Licht steuert unseren Tagesablauf | Light controls our daily routine
Light controls our daily routine and gives it structure. This applies to daylight as well as to artificial lighting. Since we spend most of the day at our workplace, lighting plays a particularly important role here.
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A luz controla nossa rotina diária e lhe dá estrutura. Isso aplica-se tanto à luz do dia quanto à iluminação artificial. Como passamos a maior parte do dia no nosso local de trabalho, a iluminação desempenha um papel particularmente importante aqui.
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Licht steuert unseren Tagesablauf und gibt ihm Struktur. Das gilt für Tageslicht genau wie für künstliche Beleuchtung. Da wir an unserem Arbeitsplatz einen Großteil des Tages verbringen, spielt hier die Beleuchtung eine besonders große Rolle
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Belas Club de Campo by inllux |
designed and made by inllux
____________ alexandra ___________
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