Maison et Object, Paris – January 18-22, 2019
***** EN *****
Take note, from January 18 to 22, 2019, in Paris, one of the greatest international meetings in the art of living, decoration and interior design. This is where you discover, talk, discuss and develop ideas, opinions and projects. Maison & Objet (M & O) is an open door to the future, a multicultural space of the art of contemporary living. A place of meeting, sharing and exchanges.
They are long awaited days for professionals and lovers of decoration, it is an
opportunity, to know in 360º a panoply of products of decoration, design,
furniture, fragrances, textiles, children's world, table art, among many other
offers.Take note, from January 18 to 22, 2019, in Paris, one of the greatest international meetings in the art of living, decoration and interior design. This is where you discover, talk, discuss and develop ideas, opinions and projects. Maison & Objet (M & O) is an open door to the future, a multicultural space of the art of contemporary living. A place of meeting, sharing and exchanges.
***** PT *****
Anote na sua agenda, dia 18 a 22 janeiro de 2019 acontecerá, em Paris, um dos maiores encontros internacionais dos profissionais da arte de viver. Da decoração e design de interiores. É aqui que se descobre, fala, discute e desenvolve ideias, opiniões e projetos. A Maison & Objet (M&O) é uma porta aberta para o futuro, um espaço multicultural da arte de viver contemporâneo. Um local de encontro, de partilha e de trocas.
***** DE *****
vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2019 findet in Paris eines der größten internationalen
Treffen in den Bereichen Wohnen, Dekoration und Innenarchitektur statt. Hier
entdecken, diskutieren, diskutieren und entwickeln Sie Ideen, Meinungen und
Projekte. Maison & Objet (M & O) ist eine offene Tür in die Zukunft,
ein multikultureller Raum der Kunst des zeitgenössischen Lebens. Ein Ort der
Begegnung und des Austauschs.
Erwartete Tage für Profis und Liebhaber der Dekoration, es ist eine
Gelegenheit, in 360º eine Palette von Produkten der Dekoration, Design, Möbel,
Düfte, Textilien, Kinderwelt, Tischkunst, unter vielen anderen Angeboten zu
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