Lisboa Design Show 2016

`***** P T *****
Olá, bom dia
Não se esqueçam de visitar a Fil este fim de semana.
O que vai encontrar? As ultimas tendências de decoração, espaços fabulosos e ideias surpreendentes para experimentar aí em casa. 
Inspire-se.. #fallinlove with your home

***** EN *****
Hello good day
Do not forget to visit the Fil this weekend.
What will you find there?  
The latest decorating trends, fabulous spaces and amazing ideas to try at home.
Get inspired... #fallinlove with your home

 **** D E *****
Hallo, guten Tag
Vergisst Ihr nicht die Fil an diesem Wochenende zu besuchen.
Was findt Ihr dort? Die neuesten Dekoration Trends, tolle Räume und erstaunliche Ideen zu Hause zugestalten
Lass Ihr sich inspirieren... #fallinlove with your home
see you soon | bis gleich | até já


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