Dior in Seoul

Inside is the architect Peter Marino, designer boutiques of Dior since 1994, who has worked, declining gray and silver in all its nuances and materials - from leather to fur, fabric coatings ... wall - through the six floors of the building, men's fashion in the basement until Dior Café and terrace on the 5th floor, through the VIP lounge and the art gallery on the 4th

Dentro quem trabalhou foi o arquiteto Peter Marino, boutiques de designer de Dior desde 1994, declinando cinza e prata em todas as suas nuances e materiais - a partir de couro de peles, revestimentos de tecido ... na parede , nos seis andares do prédio, moda masculina na cave até Dior Café e terraço no 5º andar, por meio do VIP lounge e galeria de arte no 4º

Im Inneren ist der Architekt Peter Marino, Designer-Boutiquen von Dior seit 1994, der gearbeitet hat, sinkende Grau und Silber in all ihren Nuancen und Materialien - aus Leder Pelz, Gewebebeschichtungen ... Wand - durch die sechs Etagen des Gebäudes, Herrenmode im Keller, bis Dior Café und Terrasse in der 5. Etage, durch die VIP-Lounge und der Kunstgalerie auf der 4.

via: AD france


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