Homelibrary , 5 Things you must Know

I'm a "reader"!!!  I read most of the time history, biography books and newspapers. I love to seat on my couch every sunday night with a book and a glass of wine :)

You must pay attention to 3 things, when you decided to have a Homelibrary:

1) Sofa: must be comfortable, cozy and elegant !!

2) Lighting: a Table lamp or a Floor lamp is necessary, indispensable!! Of course must be near Sofa!!

3) Pillow, Cushion : I've lots of them. Why? When you read hours such as I, you know we just need  to be comfortable!!

4) Ottoman. One piece that I personally love!!! Is Cozy and elegant!!

5) Bookcase: Of course, they are really necessary!!  you can arrange your books, for example by color!!


Take a look at my favourite:



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